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      The Different Types of Web Design Client

      Table of Contents

      If you’re new to freelancing as a web designer you’re probably feeling a little nervous about the first few clients you pull out the bag. What will they be like? Will they be overly demanding? Or will they be the type that gives you free reign? They could be either of these or something else completely different. Much like freelancers, web design clients come in all shapes and sizes, each one needing something a little unique. However, there are a certain few you’re more likely to encounter. To help you sift out the rough from the smooth, here’s a quick introduction to the best kind of clients, as well as a few you’ll want to run a mile from.

      The Client Who Expects a Clairvoyant

      This is the type of client who doesn’t really want to discuss what the design but expects you to know without any kind of input. It’ll take them an eon to get their act together and when they do they’ll expect you to drop everything else and produce their site like yesterday.

      The Hot Shot Client

      We’ve all met them. The kind of person who thinks they’ve got the answer to everyone’s dreams. They’ll expect a discount because their idea isn’t going to bomb and your connection with such a successful business person is going to bring an amazing return.

      I Want All the Bells and Whistles Kind of Client    

      You’ll be presented with a long list of requirements, and when you’ve created their dream website, they’ll come back wanting more. Worst of all, they won’t like it when you explain how much work is involved and the bottom line with regards the price.

      The Ones That Let You Get on with It

      This is the ideal kind of client, but it will require a certain amount of communication of your part. They might say they’re A-OK with whatever you choose, but try and pin them down to a little more detail. Communication is the name of the game.

      It’s Never Good Enough

      This type of client is the bane of freelancers the world over, whatever your trade. It doesn’t matter what you do it will never be good enough. Clearly state at the beginning the terms of your contract and don’t be badgered into more reviews than are necessary.

      The Client That Can’t Make up Their Mind

      Dealing with this type of client can be very time-consuming. They ask for changes and then want to change things back again, many times over. This is another instance when you need to be clear from the beginning how many revisions you’re offering.

      The Client That Disappears Off the Face of the Earth

      They may have appeared to be really keen in the beginning but part way through the project they’re nowhere to be found. The best way to deal with this is not to invest too much time without receiving some kind of payment.

      This is a small selection of the clients you’re going to encounter during your freelancing career. There are plenty more waiting around the corner. The best way to handle a client, whatever camp they fall into, is to keep the lines of communication open as much as possible. Being clear of your boundaries and what your clients are paying for will also help you to keep your projects on track.


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