How To Optimise For Voice Search

Word on the street is that we’re in the middle of a voice search revolution. Forget text-led searches (although perhaps not altogether!), and pay attention at last to the fact that 41% of adults and 55% of teens now use voice search daily. That’s a big deal, and it’s a trend companies need to accommodate […]

How local SEO can change your business?

If you run a small business, chances are you’ve heard the phrase “SEO” thrown a lot lately. It’s an essential business practice that can help your business to stand out from the crowd online. E-commerce is becoming an increasingly saturated market and it’s important that you do whatever you can to help your brand stand […]

5 Things Your Website Needs to Convert Customers

To succeed in today’s business world, it’s vital you have a website. Rather than listening to word of mouth recommendations, people now choose to use the internet, in particular, the online search engines. Websites come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours, each of which will have its own unique capabilities. While each […]

How to add your business to Google maps

If you’ve ever used Google Maps to help you navigate your way around an unfamiliar area, you’ll know how useful it can be. What you may not realise is that Google Maps is also an extremely powerful marketing tool for small and medium businesses. Not only will a listing here ensure customers have access to […]

How to Market Your Small Business with no Budget

As a business, especially a small one, there will be a lot of demands on your finances. It can make many decisions difficult, including how to create an effective marketing strategy with little or no money. However, you can still create good ways of marketing without having to spend a lot of money. In fact, […]